Saturday, December 05, 2015

Teaching Math Well: A New Unit of Study

I've invested a lot of time into the study of math teaching this semester. I've written again and again about what I need to do and want to do. The challenge is embedding those ideas into my practice with strength. It takes time, focus, commitment, and repetition to move an idea from research and writing to practice.

So as we begin this new unit of study, I'm trying to find the time to do the following:
  • Post key vocabulary in places where students can readily refer to it.
  • Make time to review vocabulary and let students make it their own through exercises that will contribute to their learning throughout the unit.
  • Organize and introduce the related manipulatives and math tools well.
  • Make time for the Standards of Mathematical Practice (SMPs) throughout the unit.
  • Make time for meaningful math talk.
  • Design learning pages and learning experiences in ways that meet the diversity of learners' needs in the class.
  • Organize and assign homework in differentiated ways using multiple online and offline resources.
Fortunately since my main focus this year is math education, I have more time than most elementary school teachers to dive into this teaching, but I still find that time is short to do it all. Yet, by writing this down once again, there's a better chance I'll be able to carve out the time to complete the necessary tasks to make this a meaningful, engaging, and productive unit of study. Onward.