Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Math Enrichment: Coding

For my math students who want more, I've been suggesting that they learn to code using Khan Academy, Code.Org, or beginning with the Hour of Code activities.

The school tech coordinator is introducing every class in the school to coding via Hour of Code activities.

Many students already SCRATCH and some code with other languages. Kindergartners use SCRATCH Jr.

A young boy came up to me yesterday and said, "I did the coding last night. I finished Khan Academy's Hour of Code snowman project. Can you tell me where I can learn more code like that?"

I suggested Khan Academy's Learn to Code lessons as my students are already using Khan, in part, to develop their math skill. I also suggested and the Hour of Code extra activities. Last year a parent in our school and founder/creator of CampCodeKidz introduced students to his terrific learn to code app--students loved it so that's another possibility.

What else would you suggest for my eager, enthusiastic math students with regard to learning to code? Thanks for your consult.