Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Righting the Ship: Targeting the Path Ahead

It's time to narrow and target the path.

I expected to be at the Maker Bot event tonight, but events unforeseen prevented that occasion.

I like to teach well.

I like to reach depth and success with students in engaging and empowering ways.

I submitted a proposal with the support of my team to narrow the path so that we could all teach in deeper ways, and the proposal has been challenged by some. I'm disappointed by this as I put so much thought, research, reading, and experience into the plan. I know what it takes to teach well today and I felt this was a reasonable path to promote our efforts in this direction.

Yet as I wait for a final decision, I realize that I have to redirect my teaching/learning ship in the direction of greater satisfaction and support. I've been openly sharing my thoughts, ideas, and questions with many. Some respond and some do not, some support and some do not.

All in all the families that my colleagues and I serve are happy. The children are engaged and learning. There is much to be proud of with regards to our work, new ideas, and efforts. Those who we serve are generally served well.

So as I move ahead I'll be cognizant of the success and the support we receive from families and students. I will further right my teaching/learning ship in their direction--a direction to serve them well.

Next year I'll bring my efforts in closer to the aim of serving every child I teach with strength and care, and as I end the year I'll look for ways to respond to the children with strength. That is the goal of the work I do, and that is the direction I'll navigate the teaching/learning ship in the days, months, and years ahead. Onward.