Friday, May 01, 2015

End of the School Year: Relationships Matter More Than Ever!

It's the last leg of school and relationships matter more than ever. As students and teachers approach transitions in their lives, they rely on good relationships to see them through the changes.

Some students exhibit angst at the end of the year, and it's more important than ever to keep the routines simple and straightforward.

It's also important to balance end-of-year-celebrations with quiet reading, writing, and tinker times--time to quietly learn with one another and independently.

Some of the students I am teaching this year I have taught for two years. I really want to maximize these last days of learning together with plenty of time for discussion and happy events.

The end-of-school is a good time to slow it down and focus on the human factor so every child leaves the year with a big smile and positive anticipation for the year to come.