Monday, February 16, 2015

What Is Your Professional Learning Routine?

Consider your professional learning routine?

How do you lead your learning/teaching forward on a regular basis?

When was the last time you audited your efforts in this regard?

This week I took a close look, and made the following decisions for the weeks and months ahead.

I will continue to participate in two or three Twitter chats a week. Twitter chats are a great match for my school/family responsibilities since I can "chat" in the comfort of my own home with invested educators from all over the world. The idea share is quick and targeted, and I can quickly follow-up with greater reading and by implementing the ideas learned. This is an efficient, friendly, regular way to learn.

I'll continue to keep my eyes open for conferences that will lead my work forward. I imagine my conference palette will change from year to year. In the near future this is what I expect to attend:
I'm still working on my 2015 book list. 

Learning Design
My professional learning is typically embedded into learning design work with and for students. Currently I'm focused on the following broad areas of learning design.
  • Grade 5 CCSS Math Standards
  • NGSS Science Teaching/Learning
  • STEAM lab and learning
  • Learning-to-Learn mindsets/behaviors
I hope to revisit reflections this summer related to the Massachusetts Educator Evaluation Elements. I believe these elements define what it means to teach well and are a worthy list of behaviors/mindsets to reflect upon during the summer months.
Plans for 2015-2016
Typically, once I hear my assignment for the following school year, I create a to-do list and learning path. I'll do the same this year.