Sunday, February 15, 2015

Building School Teams

This morning a spontaneous chat occurred about building school teams and open, honest share.

That led me to express how much I value working with another teacher to serve our team of 44 students well.

Then I realized that our teaching community profits from a scaffolded approach to team that includes the following:
  • Class cluster of two classroom teachers, 44 students/families, and related specialists.
  • Grade level PLC/RTI teams that meet once a week to share formal/informal data, needs, and ideas to plan for teaching all children well.
  • A school team that meets once a month at a faculty meeting.
  • District-wide grade level/subject area teams that meet occasionally for professional learning events.
  • Outside of school professional learning network share and learning.
As I thought and "conversed" more about the topics, I realized it's the way that we communicate and connect our work at each level that makes a difference. Also, the "curious questions" we ask of each other and discuss play a role in deepening the work we do.

As others joined in, I realized that it may be advantageous to add a strong "student centered" social media platform to this effort. Edmettle was recommended and I'll try it out soon.

This is just a start to a whole new area of thought with regard to opening up and deepening lines of communication, share, and work to teach children well.  Thanks for the inspiration PLN!