Saturday, November 08, 2014

Forward Think: 5th Grade

The 5th grade year continues its path of predictable events and unexpected surprises too.

This week we continued to dig into measurement to strengthen the way we think about standard measurement and metric conversions with respect to proportional relationships using both multiplication and fractions. Students are busy completing projects to teach each other these concepts.

The measurement projects demonstrated a greater need for teaching related to collaboration, choice, and creativity so in the weeks ahead we'll focus on those skills as well.

Students are excited about the place value movie contest. Several have asked me about the due date and film tools in that regard. I'll provide some in-class time for that work too.

Our place value unit is fitting nicely with our solar system exploration. We started with a few Flocabulary raps this week, and we'll study place value as we examine the differing length of a year for planets in our solar system.

We've got a lot of math to learn and review prior to the December break so that will be the main focus as we move from measurement to place value to operations review/teaching to fractions.

For home study, students are using Khan Academy and I'm using Khan's reports to differentiate and coach. This week during RTI we'll focus on facts as part of our operations focus. Some students have solidified their speed and accuracy for all operations, but others are still working to master fact fluency and accuracy.

In summary, the main focus is to use multiple tools to build a strong math foundation in the next couple of months. I'll also interject science activities and study throughout this time. A strong teaching focus will relate to the differentiation needed to engage, empower, and educate all students related to this focus. Onward.