Friday, September 05, 2014

The Friday Quiz

Quizzes vary in style and format. Sometimes a quiz may be
online, and sometimes it may be an offline performance task. 
Why would you quiz your students?

Isn't that an outdated form of learning?

I actually blend quizzes into the overall learning menu for multiple reasons.

First, the quiz gives everyone a chance to quiet down, concentrate, and test their own understanding.

Next, the quiz tests my teaching--what did children learn, and what's still left for learning and teaching?

A quiz provides a good vehicle for feedback. As I look over students' performance, I'll write encouraging comments to coach students forward in content, process, and skill. I may or may not grade depending on the overall performance. If I grade I'll grade with fractions using total correct/total questions.

So today, a very hot and steamy day, students will spread out in the room and take a quiz. There will be a basic level that relates to the standards, and an enrichment level for anyone who wants to reach further.

Over the weekend, I'll review the quizzes and make the plans for the next week's learning which will continue to lead us step-by-step towards this year's individual and collective learning/teaching goals.