Monday, September 15, 2014

Choreograph a Blended Learning Environment

It is not the question of tech or no tech, but it is the way tech is used that matters. In fact, it is the way that all tools, materials, and processes are blended and synthesized that matter--the learning choreography.

To choreograph the learning well you begin by knowing your students--who are they, what do they like, what do they need and want?

Next, you have to understand the goals and objectives set for those students--the curriculum, learning program, and/or standards.  What does your organization expect students to learn and know?

Then, or perhaps second, you have to understand the current research--how do children learn, what works best, and what questions remain regarding learning today?  It's impossible to know all the research, but find the best ways to stay current. Typically following education leadership organizations and individuals on social media threads and then reading or trying out the pedagogy and materials they write about can help you stay current.

After that, the fun part--choreographing the learning program to meet students' needs and wants, program objectives, and current research. This is the professional work of educators, work that profits from dynamic share as well as individual investment of time, energy, and effort.

How this choreographed day will look will differ from day to day, context to context, age to age--it's not a one-size-fits-all but instead a balanced program that has many varied paths for all learners to partake, it's a day of some one-size-fits-all, some choice, and lots of variety utilizing multiple tools, materials, platforms, and process.

What does your learning/teaching day look like?  What is your choreograph process? What tools and materials do you employ and what processes do you embrace as you seek to serve every child well?

There are lots of questions when it comes to teaching well in blended, personalized ways--important questions that lead to learning/teaching care and success.