Monday, September 08, 2014

Careful Collaboration

Good student collaboration requires care.

Tomorrow students will take a collaborative assessment.

They will be matched by similar ability, ability demonstrated in a recent individualized assessment related to the algebra and operations unit we're studying.

I will also assign collaboration spaces--work spaces that match the needs of each group with respect to noise level, need for structure, and space requirements.

I will construct the assessment with a review first, then the grade level standards, and after that a challenge level. I expect all to complete the review and grade-level, and some to reach to the enrichment level.

I'll work with the group that needs more teaching. I'll also try to enlist the help of assistant teachers to coach other groups.

Before the assessment begins, we'll create a list of protocols that lead to positive collaboration.

I'll observe, and make notes of where we can tweak our collaborative work and protocols too.

I also want to include this collaboration lesson soon--as research demonstrates collaborative work leads to increased learning.