Sunday, August 03, 2014

Mentors: Developing Qualities You Admire

In speaking with my sister, also a teacher,  this morning, we talked about qualities we admire in our colleagues.

She spoke about Mrs. Hamilton, a colleague that truly inspired her.

As we spoke, I said, "I could reach for those qualities as the qualities Mrs. Hamilton emulated are attributes I admire and desire."

Later in the morning I spoke to number of relatives whom I admire greatly with respect to their parenting skills and abilities. One is always the empathetic, inspiring voice. Another holds the voice of reason, balance, and continued commitment to her children, and the third, always the optimist, ever seeks to find the fun and possibility in situations

As I think about this morning's conversations, I realize once again that it's important to find mentors in all areas of our lives. Who will you choose this year as your teaching mentor, parenting mentor, and life mentor?  What people do you admire, and what qualities do those people exemplify that you can reach for, embrace, and develop in yourself.

As we journey this ever changing road of life, there's lots to navigate, wonder about, and choose, and our mentors will help us move forward with the grace, happiness, and love we seek. Onward.