As with most teaching practices, the key is to embed the learning objectives into the fabric of the classroom days, weeks, months, and year. Make the practices a natural activity, a regular practice, a common way of looking at learning in math and across disciplines.
I made an initial rubric to guide students' learning and provide criteria for collective problem solving and investigation in math. I'll start the process by conducting a three to four day lesson sequence that relates to the math problem below. The problem is open ended and will result in multiple responses from students. I want to start with this broad problem as it will give us the chance, as a class, to thoughtfully consider each action in the SMP progression rubric below.
How are you teaching and assessing the SMPs in your classroom? Have you tried a progression of skill approach? I look forward to sharing this investigation with my students. Let me know if you try this out, or if you've facilitated a similar learning experiences.
The Problem
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