Sunday, January 12, 2014

Will You Join the Deeper Learning MOOC?

Why the Deeper Learning MOOC?

I truly believe life is more satisfying when we are involved in meaningful work and endeavor, and I believe deeper learning is the path to finding a satisfying life.  I also believe that deeper learning will lead educators and learners to learning experiences that are targeted, directed, and purposeful--less time wasted, and more time devoted to making a happier, more fulfilling life experience.  Imagine the problems that could be solved, and the world we could possibly contribute to with greater paths and share of knowledge, process, and concept.

I also simply enjoy meeting people in purposeful ways from different places, lifestyles, genders, ages, and outlooks. To me that synergy is exciting and life enhancing. Just reading about the many places people are from, and the work they do has me excited already.

I'll chart this journey on my blog, Teach Children Well, and I'll be reading the blogs and posts of others.

For starters,

1. I introduced myself on the Google+ thread.

2. I invited colleagues from my school system to join me to form a group within the group to help one another as we embark on this new learning endeavor.  So far I have one definite, Susan Cherwinski (a teacher who is always researching and utilizing the latest tech for students' benefit), and another maybe. I hope the list grows a bit more.

3. I plan to read all the prep posts and materials at the Deeper Learning website and on Twitter +DL Mooc before the big event starts next week--good timing to start during a week when we're celebrating MLK, he's like this.

4. Let me know if I'm missing anything. . .

5. More to come in a week or so.