Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Teaching With Technology: Summary Post

Over the years, like many educators, I've worked to integrate technology in meaningful ways.  This is a list of some of the best ways to use technology to invigorate your teaching/learning work and environment. I will continue to work on this list in the days to come, but this is a start.

  1. Document Camera: I believe that everyone has one in their classroom, but if you don't this is a must-have!
  2. Projection Space: You need one space or even better, multiple spaces to project your work--a big white board works well.
  3. One-to-One Access: Having tech devices available for one-to-one work is essential, and I'm still a fan of the Mac laptops for this, but I know that many people are having success with multiple other devices in this regard--what's important is that you have one-to-one access for some fraction of the day.  Currently at fourth grade, we have 50% one-to-one and for the most part, that works well, yet I'd like 100% in the future.
  4. Macbooks: One-to-one Macbooks are ideal--these are still my favorite tech tool and creation device. 
  5. iPads: I wish I had more access to iPads, but I do have one for the class, and use it.  The iPad offers students access to great apps.  I think this may be an area we can grow through BYOD at our school. 
  6. Headphones: Best if students bring their own, and you have some extras on hand. 
  7. iPhone: Personal/Professional Use
  8. Chromebook: Personal/Professional, I have one at home for family use--we like the quick access this device provides. Our school system will start using this device as well for one-to-one. It would be great to have a cart of these tools too.  I think it's best to diversify the tools a school uses. I know that many at the upper levels like PC's that have greater business/science/engineering connection (better word?).
  1. Google apps: Google offers amazing tools for content creation, learning, and share.  
  2. Microsoft Office: I still utilize Word and PowerPoint tools for some creation. 
  3. Creation Tools: Currently, in addition to Word and Google apps, I use the following creation tools. Note that some of these tools are Mac based since we have the Macs, but others are Internet based. 
    1. Movies: iMovie, Animoto, 30Hands, ProShow, QuickTime Screen Recording
    2. Music: GarageBand, recording tools 
    3. Drawing: Google Draw, KidPix, Sketch-Up
    4. Math Practice: That Quiz, Xtra Math, Sumdog, Multiple gaming sites, Khan Math
    5. Coding: SCRATCH
    6. School-wide practice (chosen by curriculum leadership): Lexia, Symphony Math, All the Right Type
    7. Research: Multiple online sites.
  4. UClass: Standards-base lesson creation, organization
  5. YouTube Channel: Class projects and learning playlists
  6. Google Hangouts/Skype: For face-to-face share.
  7. Twitter: Use for daily class updates, professional share, research. 
  8. MOOCs: Professional learning/share.
  1. Class Website: communication/24-7 learning
  2. Class Blog: used mainly to showcase student learning.
  3. Student Learning Google Site: Learning links posted in targeted ways, students follow menu according to the differentiated directions. 
  4. Google Home Study Menu: A blended homework menu is posted each week.
  5. Student/Family Correspondence by eMail: Students/families email me with questions . . .
  6. Unit Websites: All information related to a teaching/learning unit is posted for 24-7 access.
  7. UClass: Lesson preparation, presentation, share, and access. 
  8. YouTube: Learning presentation, student practice/learning.
  9. iPhone: Used for documenting student learning, field study teaching/learning tool.
Areas for Growth
  1. Greater Use of eBooks: Using the tools available on eBooks to grow students' reading engagement, comprehension, and fluency.
  2. More Attention to Deeper Learning/Learning Design: Creating the best possible, student-friendly learning environment, activities, feedback/response, and coaching. 
  3. Continued Research and Development Related to Best Hardware, Software, and Process.