This Year
- Enriched writing program.
- Enriched math units, more model making and problem solving.
- Close Reading.
- Revised end-of-year project to reflect new tech tools/processes.
- Completion of NBPTS renewal, RETELL, new progress reports, and the Deeper Learning MOOC.
For Next Year
- Advocate for greater attention to library/media commons efforts.
- Advocate for one-to-one w/Mac laptops and iPads--combination available/shared.
- Advocate for BYOD beginning w/ebook use and branching out.
- Advocate for continued time/attention for collaboration, PLCs, better RTI, learning design time/support, lead time, transparent communication, share, and idea systems.
- Set learning/teaching goals in summer.
- Advocate for revised share and idea systems to maximize research, thought, and effort.
- Summer study?
- Understand the vision and goals of all leaders well in advance of summer study if possible.