Sunday, February 03, 2013

Expect Mistakes

Expect mistakes. Expect mistakes from children, colleagues, friends, family members and yourself. Mistakes happen, and mistakes are the stepping stones to learning. Learning is a bumpy road.

We can avoid the big mistakes with a simple set of rules:
  • Polite, respectful, empathetic behavior, words and action.
  • Obeying the law.
  • Seeking help and guidance when needed.
  • Asking important questions.
As educators, our job is to turn mistakes into learning opportunities.  To work with children through conversation and action that guides understanding and efforts in a positive direction. The same is true with regard to our own work and the work of others--we will make mistakes; we will take the wrong paths, and we will err.  The key is to own the mistakes, learn from them and move forward.

Equally important is to ask more questions and judge less. Sometimes when those in our midst seemingly err, we can be quick to judge rather than seek understanding.  It's okay to ask why did you make that decision or act in that way?  The follow-up conversation has potential to shed light on important matters and potential work to be done.

This tech age has increased the speed involved in getting things done which in turn has opened up the space for deeper, more thoughtful discussion about the feelings, thoughts and actions that really matter, thoughts and actions often derived from mistakes.