Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Education Harvest

It is a fertile time for education. Ideas abound.  Avenues avail.  Information flows.

The persistant challenge lies in prioritizing--choosing the best paths of travel, discovery, exploration and  growth.

There's a temptation to travel all the paths, but the reality is the sum of the paths leads to nowhere for the individual (but everywhere for the collective group). Instead the just right collection of paths leads will lead you to somewhere valuable and meaningful.

Hence, what paths will you take?

For me, specifically, I'll travel these professional roads in the months to come:
  • Student Engagement and Habits of Mind
  • Close Reading, Fluency and Comprehension Strategies (Yes, Pleasure too!)
  • Writing: Writing stories, paragraphs, captions, reading responses, essays, response to prompts, informational text and fiction (if any time remains).
  • Math: Factors/Multiples, Multiplication/Division algorithms, problem solving, fractions, geometry, more measurement, area/perimeter and facts fluency. 
Those are the main professional path--a suitcase too full of standards, but none the less, one that I'll attend to each day with care and student learning, interest and passion as the focus.

What paths will you travel in the next few months? And, how will you travel those paths--what structures, routines, tools, processes and colleagues will lend support along the way?