Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Amazing Twitter Connect

Yesterday I used Twitter in a way I had never thought of before.  Perhaps you have used Twitter this way.

I received a call asking me to name an educator who was an expert in a particular field.

I tweet with lots of educators, but can't bring to mind all of them and their expertise in a moment's notice, but what I could do was search Twitter with the topic title. As I culled quickly through the list of names, I recognized and remembered several educators who showed expertise in that area--educators I had come to admire and respect through their tweets, blogs, webinars, conference presentations and books.

I clicked the individuals identified website links on Twitter, found their phone numbers/emails and began calling and emailing these people--many who might be considered unapproachable in the past, experts in their fields.  Within a couple of hours I had made contact with a wonderful expert who was willing to contact my colleague who initiated the request.

This is one more example of the amazing power of Twitter.  How do you use Twitter in your daily life?  What ends does Twitter serve for you and your work?  As those of us who use the tool well know, Twitter is much more than following movie stars and sports stars--it's is one way to connect and intersect with wonderful leaders from many disciplines all over the globe.  Amazing!