Friday, January 11, 2013

21st century Learning: Determine. . . Cull. . .Apply

Today's world prompts new learning strategies due to the amazing amount of information available.  Here's a strategy I use.
  1. Know your questions and know where you're going.  Put the time in upfront to prioritize and determine your direction.
  2. Connect to the best streams of thought via social media, relationships and endeavor.  Continually explore new streams of thought as well as you move along. Don't be afraid to jump in, and try something new, or retire a stream that doesn't work anymore.
  3. As you read and learn, cull the information that matches your journey and apply immediately via writing, intersecting or action.  As you apply note rationale, future steps and remaining questions.
  4. Consult your journey regularly (perhaps daily), revise and continue.  
How do you learn and act in this awesome, but sometimes daunting information age we live in?