Thursday, November 01, 2012

Why I Tirelessly Defend the Use of Technology

You're right, I'd rather spend my time crafting and choreographing wonderful, responsive learning events for students.

And yes, you're right again, if you realize I use tech because I know that tech is embedded in every aspect of our culture, and tech makes learning more accessible, interesting and efficient for many learning goals.

But you're wrong if you think I work tirelessly to defend the use of technology simply because I like tech. I contribute countless hours of my own time defending, studying and employing the use of technology because I believe technology holds promise for student learning, and student learning holds promise for individual lives, communities and the world.

So once again, I'm spending time after school at a meeting to defend and discuss tech integration.  Like so many others, I could just stick to the workbooks both online and paper/pencil.  I could follow old time traditional lessons and practices.  I could ignore the fact that my students are savvy, intelligent, creative individuals who look forward to learning with many wonderful tools including technology.  Most teachers don't want to, or can't, spend countless after school hours defending their work, research and craft so they do what is accepted and not continually debated.  I must say the tech naysayers are wearing me down too.

I really just want to teach and teach well.  I want to incorporate the latest research in cognition, technology and so many other areas to make my classroom a vibrant center of learning where all children have a chance to access tools that help them learn. I don't want to stir things up; I just want to do what's best for children, to improve schools so that children aren't defeated, bored and frustrated, but instead illuminated, excited, enthusiastic and empowered.

I'm sorry to dull my blog with countless posts about defending and debating tech use.  I just can't understand why these debates continue when we could be spending our time crafting, choreographing and imparting wonderful learning endeavors, tools and practice that focus on engaged, student learning.


Specific Reasons for Defending Tech
  • Students use tech all the time in their lives, and apt guidance in this area fosters better use and understanding.
  • Tech makes learning accessible in so many ways that learning was inaccessible before.
  • Tech contributes to and broadens the learning team--everyone gets to share the information, people near and far.
  • Tech takes a lot of the drudgery out of learning, leaving more time for higher level thought and work, work that someday will make a difference in people's lives.