I created a table with three headings: Tasks/Projects, Actions, Notes. Then together we filled in the chart activity by activity. Once the chart was completed, the follow-up actions for teachers and students were clear. I'm going to share the document with all classroom students and teachers, our Team 15 Learning Community. I'm not going to give students editing privileges as I'm afraid the document will be deleted (that just happened to my Doodle parent conference sign-up). Instead, I'll invite students to talk with me, email or write a note about changes and additions for the table. We'll review the table at our weekly Wednesday planning meeting (which started today!).
I think this is a good plan for the following reasons:
- It will help all of us to stay organized.
- Students will have a steady voice about their needs and desires related to classroom learning.
- It's a good organization model for projects and tasks.
Let me know if you have further ideas or thoughts about this activity. Thanks once again for the #edchat inspiration.