Monday, June 22, 2015

Math Year 2015-2016

7/7/15 Note: An updated version of this post can be found via this link.

This summer, I'll spend a significant amount of time organizing the math year ahead. I'll create a list of new and old math lessons that I'll employ to teach the CCSS and system-wide math curriculum.

To understand my approach, it's important for you to realize that I think of learning as a shared conversation between teachers and students--it's a give-and-take process where we present, discuss, try-out, review, revise, assess, and move forward.

I want the study to be meaningful and relevant as well as differentiated with plenty of student choice and voice as we journey the blended curriculum approach.

The teaching year actually already started during the clean-up and move-up day efforts:
And attention to early year routines and lessons:
The first set of lessons will introduce students to many math tools as we share the numbers that define us. After that we'll study the history of math and delve into important math vocabulary, properties, and process as we study numbers 0-13

The charts we collectively make during this introductory period will serve us well as we begin the scope and sequence with a focus on place value and computation with whole numbers.

In the meantime, math skills lab practice will help students solidify math model/concept knowledge with Symphony Math, fact skills with Xtra Math, and review of CCSS concepts learned with TenMarks and Khan Academy. These online resources in addition to Khan Coding and SCRATCH also offer plenty of enrichment for those students who are ready to progress in this way.

Also, our STEAM lab activities will begin with opportunities for students to deepen math knowledge through hands-on activities related to measurement and geometry.

I will update this post as the preparation continues. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any ideas to add.