A recent assessment of student progress demonstrated that students who struggled had difficulty completing homework since the homework last year was difficult to complete on their own and there wasn't a good structure for homework support or check-in that met those students' needs. To remedy that, I'm creating a much more accessible homework pattern with check-ins.
As noted previously, students will follow a similar starting and ending routine for each math lesson, and homework will take on a similar journal page model. Today I created the Day One Homework Page. I'm sure I'll review and revise the pages as I get to know my students well.
Further, when students come in the next day some will share their journal page while others make a number name card. We'll hang the name cards up in numerical order from the card with the lowest value to the card with the highest value as one way to begin our place value study. After that students will have the chance to work together to identify words worth 100. In the end, we'll talk about the strategies used to solve that problem. Students will complete and create number patterns for their home study practice.
Math Journal Home Study
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Learning Focus: Computation/Fact Practice
Time: 30 minutes total expected
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Assignment: Complete the assignment on the front of this page and spend ten minutes practicing skills with one of the following options. Check which options you used to practice.
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Enrichment (on back of page): Using the alphabet/number chart, how many words can you make that are equal to 100.
Complete the Alphabet/Number Chart below.
Write each letter of your first name in the boxes below. Then write the value of each letter from the alphabet/number chart above. After that add up the value of your first name.
First Name Value: _____________
Enrichment (Optional)
What is the value of your last name?
Last Name Value: _____________
What is the value of your homeroom teacher’s last name?
Homeroom teacher’s last name value: _____________
How many words can you think of that are equal to exactly 100 or close to 100.
Value: _____________
Value: _____________
Explain how you found words equal to or close to 100?
Did you spend extra time practicing skills online? Yes _____ No ____