Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Big Ideas, Forging Friendships

Today's coordinate grid lesson led us to big questions such as:
  • What came first, latitude or longitude or coordinate grids?
  • Why do we graph grids with x, y rather than a,b,c?
  • Why do video games use x, y, z, and is z the height?
We discovered the answers, and will continue to think about and discuss these questions and others.

The STEAM lab is becoming a source of rich friendship and collaboration as students problem solve and invent together--an aspect of the study that I haven't really thought a lot about, but truly a wonderful aspect for invention and creativity.

Tomorrow we'll venture into Khan Academy with some depth as we look at the ways we can use programs like Khan to independently and collaboratively learn and move ahead with knowledge, concept, and skill. I really like Khan's 5th grade coordinate grid activities so we'll start there.

At last, we found a peaceful and happy read aloud structure after changing our protocols a dozen or so times. We made a big, rug area for read aloud, and students are allowed to bring quiet writing or crafting supplies to use during the read aloud. I'll give a five minute prep-for-reading time so everyone can get ready. I'll also update the cozy chair list so it's fair for all.

The routine, protocols, and class community are taking shape--hooray!