Friday, July 11, 2014

Every Child Should Climb a Mountain

As a child I climbed a lot of mountains. That experience buried the mountain metaphor deep in my mind, and so often as I meet a challenge I remember back to the arduous climbs through dense forests along rocky trails. I remember the feeling of wanting to give up and turn around, and the encouraging support of family members who urged me forward.

I also remember the glory of moving beyond the tree line, the place where the view is awesome, inspiring, and beautiful. After the trees, the air is better too. That's when my legs would get stronger and my pace faster as I shimmied up boulders and skipped along the trail.

Then, of course, the summit, the pinnacle, the moment of arrival. At the summit, you know that all the hard work was worth it.

All children deserve the chance to climb a mountain and experience that metaphor first hand, a metaphor that will serve them well throughout their lives.

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