Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Vacation Around the Corner

The plans are set for after vacation, and a week's vacation is about to start.

Strangely, this year's April vacation feels much different.  Perhaps it's the fact that we're having a late start to spring weather--it snowed this morning, or perhaps it's because there's a school reconfiguration in the works and I don't know what my grade or classroom or school will be next year or perhaps it's because overall this has been a sensational year with a wonderful class.  Whatever the reason, it just doesn't feel the same. In fact it feels better than the typical April.

As I chart the final leg of the school year, the following goals stand tall.
  1. Math MCAS prep, games, review, and test.
  2. Endangered Species Team Research, Presentation, and Service Learning
  3. Plate Tectonics Expert Lessons
  4. STEAM: Magnets, Earth, and Engineering Focus
  5. SPARK: Lots of active learning and movement.
  6. End of Year Field Studies.
  7. The Reconfiguration Work
  8. Packing, cleaning, ordering. . .
  9. Grouping for Next Year
  10. The Wayland Institutes
then. . . .

SUMMER vacation!

Good work in the meantime will make me enjoy the vacation all the more. Onward!