Thursday, April 10, 2014

Turnaround Time?

What's best when it comes to turnaround time today?

Turnaround time related to emails?

Turnaround time related to applications?

Turnaround time related to trying out new tools, platforms, strategies?

Turnaround time related to reviewing student work?

Turnaround time with new learning?

Turnaround time sharing new initiatives?

Turnaround time with regard to changing a bad habit?

It seems to me that turn around times of old may not be as effective today. For example should you have to wait months for a response to an application or question?  Yet, too fast turnaround time can result in hasty decisions, decisions that could have profited from more thought and time.

As we consider protocols for our classrooms and organizations, turnaround should probably be a part of that consideration.