Saturday, January 19, 2013

What Matters?

I'm miles away from the small school community I work in and the community I live in. I've had the chance to intersect with many people in many walks of life. The conversation has led me to think about what's important with regard to my work and endeavor.  None of us can be all things or solve all problems, but we can play an important role in our work places, communities and homes.

So what is important?

Stand Up for What is Right and Good
It is important to stand up for the best that we can offer so that all people have the chance to live a good life. We must be cognizant of situations where opportunity and promise are blocked, and work to provide a chance for every person to live a good life.

Don't be satisfied with just one point of view or the decisions of like-minded individuals.  Instead make a point of engaging in debate and discussion with people with varied view points and experiences.  Be open to lively debate and discourse when it comes to moving forward and learning.

Expertise and Commitment
Continue to grow your expertise in fields and endeavor that are both meaningful and positive--be a life long learner who brings value to the organizations you belong to.

Good work for others demands some sacrifice and risk taking.  Don't be afraid to to give a little more or take a risk to move from "success to significance."

Happiness and Play
Make the time to enjoy the gifts of life.  Take time to play.  Make sure that those around you have that chance too. Laugh and be joyful.

Positive, life enhancing communities bring a value to humanity that is invaluable.  Look for ways to support and build the communities you belong to and believe in with strength.  Support efforts that protect and develop both architectural and natural beauty--as beautiful environments inspire the best in people.  Use your strengths to support the arts, sports, positive educational and recreational programs to enliven and deepen community.  Find ways to make a better life for all by supporting endeavor and efforts that truly make a difference in lives, and by not supporting efforts that demean or defeat humanity.

We are a complex world with tremendous potential for betterment and good.  Kennedy's words of the past still ring true today, To those whom much is givenmuch is expected,” and it matters that we recognize the gifts, opportunity and talents we have, and use those to give back and make a difference.