Saturday, November 03, 2012

No More NING: Turning a Problem into a Solution

Earlier this week, I blogged about facing tech debate.

Lesa Haney inspired me with this tweet:

 Sounds like a great opportunity for collaboration and building common understandings."

Educators collaborated and we decided to disband our NING, and now students are emailing me with dismay.

I carefully chose NING for many solid educational reasons, and what am I modeling for students if I just shut it down without replacing it with something similar or better to meet the rationale originally set for guided social media?

Hence, I decided to follow Haney's advice and turn a problem into a solution by enlisting the support of the learning community near and far to create a new social network for my classroom with the following steps

1. I tweeted out and wrote a blog post to gather ideas. So far I've gathered the following ideas:

 I prefer posterous 

 have you tried Edmodo? It's a huge piece to my blended learning classroom.

2. Then inspired by another member of my PLN and this tweet:

"If you do one thing today, watch this 40-minute crash course in Design Thinking." Inge Druckrey: Teaching to See 

plus many other recent tweets, posts and Google+ comments about design thinking and process, I decided to enlist the support of my specific learning community (students, family members, educators and administrators) to start brainstorming about ideas related to creating our own social network.

3. I'll gather the ideas for a while, converse with my PLN near and far, talk to students, work with colleagues and in the near future, we'll create something new that resembles NING and meets our learning needs with strength.

This is an example of 21st century, tech integrated learning.  

Ideas, comments and debate are always welcome. Thanks PLN :)