Last Saturday, we discussed the blended classroom at #edcampbos. The blended classroom integrates many tools to foster optimal student learning. Many educators gathered at a large table on the tenth floor of the NERD Center in Boston to discuss this concept.
As promised, I will lead a blended classroom Twitter chat the first Sunday of the month at 8 p.m. EST. I welcome all to join me for our first chat this Sunday, May 6 at #blendclass. Our first chat will be broad and center on the questions, definitions and practices we have related to blended learning. Next month, the chat will focus on a specific topic or questions that seems to be a main discussion point in this week's chat.
At #edcampbos we first defined the “blended classroom.” Definitions varied. This is a list of many of the definitions:
- diversity
- tech enabled learning.
- helping students find the best ways to access, understand and present learning.
- augmenting classroom with online learning.
- greatest variety of tools to take information in, show learning and create.
- access to course information anytime, anywhere 24-7.
- project able.
- combining online and face to face.
- computers and tech to support learning.
- tech and learning at home and school.
- cultivates 21st c learner.
- engages students.
- student focused.
- connecting students to experts.
- virtual learning blend with physical school.
- quintessential environment.
- deepening connection with students and others.
- differentiating
- meeting all needs.
- mirrors cognition, brain-friendly.
The blended classroom is not the “sit at your seat and let the teacher lead” classroom of old. It’s a dynamic, multi-tool, student-centered, passion-driven learning environment.
Books recommended to strengthen blended classroom endeavor included:
Brain Rules
Memory and Cognition
Educators shared many tools that support blended learning in their classrooms including:
- Social networks such as NING and Edmodo.
- Video: students are able to watch videos repeatedly, and in their own space and time.
- Online books: images, definitions, voice.
- Socrative: a check-in system.
- Kid-blog.
- Reading groups across classes.
- Twitter: #commentsforkids, great hashtag for sharing kids’ comments and eliciting response.
- Moodle
- Skype play and Skype educate
- Balabolka - free text reader.
- UDL: Universal Design for Learning
- QR Codes
- iPads
- websites and Wikis for research.
- Apple tool voice.
- Expeditionary Schools.
- Content focus for 5 ½ weeks rather than whole semester.
- Mixed level, interdisciplinary, project base learning.
- Google aps
The discussion demonstrated that the blended classroom is becoming a popular and productive education strategy and practice--one that engages and empowers students.
Please add comments that further the information related to the definition and practice of blended learning, and please join us Sunday night at 8 pm EST for our first #blendchat.
Please add comments that further the information related to the definition and practice of blended learning, and please join us Sunday night at 8 pm EST for our first #blendchat.