Sunday, June 14, 2020

Spring 2020 Remote Teaching and Learning: The last few priorities

It has been a very, very busy spring of remote teaching and learning. My colleagues and I have learned how to use countless tech tools and new routines and procedures for teaching our students. All in all, I would say that we've had a terrific success rate when it comes to student attendance, engagement, and learning. We made the best of the situation.

Along with teaching, we have spent a good deal of time in the past few weeks preparing for next year. We completed all kinds of student-centered efforts to make sure that our students are well situated when it comes to moving to the Middle School. We've exchanged information with the Middle School, hosted Middle School teachers at our virtual meetings, and completed need forms and information. The Middle School has what they need to get our rising sixth graders off to a great start.

We've also prepared to greet next year's fifth graders at Move-Up Day which will occur next week, and we've prepared our Fifth Grade Fun Week activities and end-of-the-year celebratory events.

This week is another busy week with the following priorities:
  • Attending, supporting, and leading Fifth Grade Fun Week Events
  • Hosting a number of math drop-in sessions
  • Attending a large number of teacher meetings to finalize end-of-the-year plans and recognition
  • Review and comment on students' STEAM slides
  • Sharing students' biography projects at our weekly class meeting
  • Completing report cards
  • Writing a few thank you notes to people who have been incredibly helpful during this time
  • Scheduling meetings for summer prep
We've really given remote teaching and learning our full attention and best work. I'm proud of the efforts of our collective team. I don't think we could have done it better given the short notice and quick transition. We'll use what we learned, however, to put a dynamic hybrid program into place in the fall. Onward.