Sunday, February 02, 2020

Teaching/Learning: First Week in February 2020

As I ready to prepare Sunday dinner and enjoy the company of loving family members, I want to think about the school week ahead. What will take priority?

Progress Reports
I have a few more progress reports to continue. Those are due tomorrow.

Student Meetings
There will be a couple of important students meetings this week, meeting when I'll think about how we can better serve several students' needs and interests in the classroom. I want to think deeply with colleagues and family members about these students and what we can do to empower their school experience in enriching, meaningful, and engaging ways.

Staff Meetings
There are also a couple of staff meetings focused on culturally proficient teaching. We'll read and discuss this article, then listen to the author provide greater depth on the topic. I always look forward to learning that develops the way we teach and learn together in meaningful ways.

Math Practice and Review
Students will have a number of days to review the math we've been studying recently and since the beginning of the year. There are paper-pencil packets, online practice tests, and other study venues that students will access on their own and together to study. Then on Friday, students will take the unit test to show what they know. In the meantime, I'll review a very large number of student papers to see who is skilled at the targeted learning standards and who still needs more help and support. At the end of the week, I'll do the same with students' assessments.

I'll continue to read Bud, Not Buddy with one student. We are really enjoying the story and having many, many rich conversations as we read.

Climate Change Projects
The team will make time to discuss these projects at our weekly Professional Learning Community (PLC) meeting this week. We'll schedule full teaching days in the week ahead to focus on this project. It is the kind of project that requires deep time to do well.

Healthy Routine
It is always difficult to live with a healthy routine when you teach since the limitless proposition of school work has a way of taking over your schedule. I'll continue to reach for this as I teach and learn.

It will be a good week ahead--a week I look forward to. Now for Sunday dinner prep. . . onward.