Friday, January 17, 2020

Bettering teaching and learning

If you read my blog, you know that I love the process of betterment. I enjoy analyzing situations, noticing what is working and what is not working, then reaching out to learn and better what we can do. There is great satisfaction in this growth process, a process that has potential to empower students in meaningful ways for today and their future.

So with this in mind, where are the challenges now.

Responding to assessment results
Recent assessments have pointed to the need to finesse some of the math groups and processes to improve learning progress for a few students. These students will profit from more small group instruction that is engaging, targeted on specific skills, and supportive. Many who have received similar support in the past few months have demonstrated good growth. The challenge is finding the time and staffing to support this, but we're on our way with regard to meeting that challenge.

Teamwork and Project Based Learning
Students are in the midst of a challenging teamwork project related to environmental care and protection. This is a challenging project that takes time. The challenge here is time, focus, and teamwork. It's easy to shy away from big projects like this, but I know that once we give the project the time it needs, students will begin to get more invested and confident. As I write, I realize that we have to give this work some deep and meaningful time.

Class community
Making the time to nurture the class community is also very important. The stronger the class community, the more children are able to care for one another and help one another learn. A strong class community takes good time with targeted meetings, time for fun, and awareness of who is needing more or different in this regard.

Positive routines
Positive routines sets the stage for deeper and better learning. In general, there are good routines ijn place, routines that will profit from some review in the days ahead during a class meeting.

All in all the year is going well, and now it is a time for finesse to better what we can do with and for one another. Onward.