Tuesday, October 01, 2019

The week ahead; first week in October 2019

Sometimes to get ready for the week, I'll think back to when I was my students' ages so long ago. October, in my Worcester neighborhood was particularly beautiful. The neighborhood had many wonderful trees filled with leaves that turned all kinds of beautiful colors. The pignuts, as we called them, fell, and like little squirrels, we collected and ate the tasty treats. There was apple picking, pumpkin carving, lots of outdoor hikes, neighborhood play, and of course the church's Bayberry Fair and Halloween which included the school parade and trick-or-treating.

I was in fifth grade about fifty years ago. Girls were only allowed to wear dresses to school at that time. Ms. Johnson was my teacher. An innovation she brought to our classroom at the time was teaching with slideshows and movies. Before that, we didn't watch slideshows or movies much. My highlights of the year included being chosen to represent the school at the city art fair and being chosen as the kindergarten helper. Low points included my discomfort in the dark, corner, basement classroom and the ruckus my classmates sometimes caused--I had classmates who were particularly active that year. I was also a bit deflated by the demerit board since I got a demerit or two for my messy desk, and Handwriting King and Queen since I was one of the worst hand writers in the class. I had some nice friendships, happily engaged in lots of adventurous events with the Girl Scouts, and went to the YMCA after school to jump on the trampoline, swim in the pool, take art and cooking classes, and play with friends.

I had a very happy early childhood in my nice neighborhood at the North end of Worcester--a neighborhood of relatively small houses, big families, helpful neighbors, a couple of churches, a corner market, and a big old brick school, Indian Hill School.

What mattered to me as a child is still what matters to children today--a positive routine, helpful people, and playful adventures, games, and fun. School was at its best when the students were happy and engaged, and the families were active in the school community. I believe that's the same for children today.

So as I go back to school after a long weekend, I'll plan to be at the door to welcome students back. The day will be filled with lots of math teaching for me, and a varied menu of math, reading, writing, tech, and study for the students. It will be a good day. Onward.