Thursday, October 17, 2019

Another fork in the road; school year 2019-2020

I'm not exactly sure why this has been a busier-than-ever school year, but it seems like every second from early morning to late in the evening is spoken for, that said, it's time to take some time to look at the big picture with regard to what's ahead.

Science/Social Studies Mornings
We're in the midst of integrating a number of science/social studies mornings for some deep hands-on investigations, project work, and study in those areas. Those mornings are lots of fun, but require substantial coordination, prep, and set-up.

Expert Visitors
We have a number of expert visitors who will be visiting us and working with students. These events are positively impactful, but require substantial coordination and prep.

Field Studies
Our wonderful menu of terrific hands-on field studies will begin soon. These also require substantial coordination and prep yet it's worth it since these are rich learning events that serve to build a strong, collaborative learning team.

Professional Learning
We front-loaded the teaching year with a number of professional learning events that will take place in the coming weeks. I'm sure we'll learn a lot and hopefully share some valuable information with educators from other districts during these events.

Math Curriculum
I believe that our introductory unit in math has been a successful start to the math year. This unit provides the language, models, and concepts that underly all the units to come. While it takes time to teach students all about the math tools, resources, mindsets, and learning routines, it's worth taking that time to get the year off to a strong start.

Student Support and Routines
Students are doing well with the routines and our collaborative support teams are beginning to take shape as we work together to serve students many needs and wonderful potential.

All in all, the plans are set, routines in place, and now it's all about doing the work day by day.