Sunday, September 22, 2019

Weekends: Time Management

Most of us look forward to the weekends, and weekends typically mean time for loved ones, catching up on chores, and preferred events. Those of us who thoroughly enjoy weekends are also often left with the feeling that the weekend is simply not long enough--we yearn for another day. This very desire is what creates the need to think about managing the weekend so there's time for loved ones, time for chores, time for preferred events, and time for self too. We can't do it all.

This weekend, my schedule was too full. I just couldn't push myself to do the last item on my list--an important item, but one I simply had no more energy for. In hindsight, it was untenable to complete such a full list anyways. I should have known better.

In the future, I need to think about weekends with a bit more detail and depth. A good weekend routine will probably help, a weekend routine that includes time for family, time for chores, time for fun, and time for self. Onward.