Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Do your job well

No matter what happens in any organization, what matters is that you do your job well. When everyone is doing their part with as much care, attention, and good work possible, organizations run well. That's one reason why I've stayed in the system where I work for so many years, generally the educators in this system work with fidelity, care, and intelligence--they do the good work possible which makes it a mostly dynamic place to work and learn.

It's possible that there can be issues and efforts that take our attention away from our daily work and expectations, but it's essential that we direct ourselves back to that work when that happens. When we do our work well we feel better, impact others well, and develop a strong foundation for future work and effort.

What does it mean to do your job well? What is most essential?

For me, at this time of year, what's most important is daily support of each and every student and close colleagues. We have a lot of wonderful learning events planned, and to engage in those events well, it's imperative that we continually focus on the welfare and needs of our students. The end of the school year is an emotional and busy time, a time that is joyful, but a time that requires our sensitive attention to students, their families, and colleagues.

It's also important to make sure that needed preparation and paperwork is completed with care in order to end the year well and begin the next year with care too.

Further, it's most important to be sensitive to the great amount of transition as well as the busyness at this time of year. It's a time when it's not a good idea to broach big, new ideas, but instead focus on the events at hand. There will be time for new think in the summer and fall months ahead.

Doing our jobs well gives us power to grow and develop our work, our collegial relations, and the impact we're able to support. This is an important focus particularly at the busy end of the school year.