So often when I read a sad or troubling story in the news, I wonder why didn't people speak up before the troubling act or event happened.
As students reflected on character for their portfolios, one of the reflection sentences focused on the courage to speak up with these words:
I am courageous. When I have to try something new, ask a difficult question, or report a troubling or challenging event, I have the courage to do that. I don’t let my fears or self doubt stand in the way of doing what is right. Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
During conference conversations, this sentence was sometimes a point of discussion. Some children noted that they sometimes had the courage to speak up. That led to discussions about tattling versus speaking up when something dangerous and destructive happens. It also led to the discussion about how speaking up not only helps the person who is speaking up, but it saves friends, loved ones, and other colleagues from trouble too.
The value of speaking up doesn't mean that speaking up is easy. It's uncomfortable to share words that express problems or trouble and it can be challenging to find the right words when sharing troubling news--words that share the news in ways that elicit help and support rather than greater anger or harm. Despite that challenge, it's better to speak up than to stay silent in the face of troubling circumstances.