Friday, November 30, 2018

More of the same, but that's not a problem.

It's more of the same teaching and learning in the next few weeks of school, but that's not a problem since we're digging into significant teaching to strengthen the way we learn on our own and together as we master standards in math, science, reading, writing, and more.

The goals are clear:
  • Learning the standards of physical science with hands-on, engaging learning experiences, reading, video, and more. 
  • Learning about climate change and our ecosystem through hands-on activities, conversation, and advocacy.
  • Learning about the properties and behavior of numbers with a specific focus on multiplication and problem solving with a large variety of online and offline activities.
  • Building our social emotional learning repertoire via conversation, problem solving, reading, and more.
  • Reading lots with interest and depth with significant dedicated time for reading at home and in school.
  • Time for story writing and learning the craft of writing. 
  • Learning about the history of country via a number of learning experiences.
I want to caution myself not to overload the students or rush the curriculum. As it is we're trying to stuff twenty pounds into a ten-pound bag of school life. There's always the tension between the expectations, time, and students' readiness, pacing, and interest. We want to strike the right balance so that we have engaged, enthusiastic, and empowered students who enjoy learning and learn lots in engaging, natural, successful ways.

These posts day after day serve to coach me forward on the learning/teaching journey. As I write, I can see that re-looking at the schedule a bit more will buy more time for good work and results. Onward.