Saturday, October 27, 2018

Professional Effort and Evaluation

Most teachers in Massachusetts have set goals and now it's time to dig into those goals. It's also time when evaluators begin to drop in to assess your teaching. On rainy days like this, it's a good time to review the expectations and make plans to meet the expected teaching/learning standards outlined above.

I started writing my 2018-2019 goals last spring and they changed many times before I chose math practice and environmental education as my respective student learning and professional practice goals. I'm delighted with both goals and have already done a lot to date to get the work started to meet the goals.

Also as I re-looked at the 2018 update for professional expectations related to classroom teachers, I noticed that there are a few new and/or revised expectations to account for including culturally proficient communication, high expectations, and well structured lesson/unit design.

I think it's best for educators to map out their year, then as they meet the various standards' goals, upload and/or save evidence at that time. Then educators won't be burdened with a heavy job at the tired end of the school year.

For me, it's now a matter of staying the course set and working to meet every child's needs and interests as I work to meet the goals. Onward.