Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Sticking to the Routines

We've established a number of positive routines for the classroom, and now it's a matter of making sure that everyone follows those routines. Almost everyone does follow the routines almost every day, but there are still a few outliers who need a little more support in following the routines at one time or another.

It takes quite a while to get to know a class, and to establish positive routines for that group. Every group of students presents somewhat differently, and therefore every group needs a bit different coaching and routines.

In general, we've established the following routines:

Business Time
Students read the schedule, hang up their bags, sign in, pass in notes, ask questions, and silent read during business time. I take attendance, complete lunch count, and check in with children about any number of issues or needs.

Learning Times
Generally students get ready, and I introduce the activity. Then we get started, and end with a closing and clean up. Students learn many subjects in many ways/places with many teachers.

We line up quickly and go to where we need to be.

Silent Reading
We sit in places quietly reading. I catch up with students at this time too as time permits. Fortunately almost all the children enjoy reading.

Lots of inclusive play and some conflict resolution too :)

End of Day
Clean up, pack your bags, sit on desk tops and await dismissal. If we're ready early we might watch a short video or even have a little extra play time.

Open Circle
We meet in the cafe in a big circle to discuss issues of social competency, team, and service learning.

The routines for this big group are established, and there will be few changes now as we've finally got a good set of protocols that work allowing children to get the attention and direction they need. Onward.