Friday, December 15, 2017

Learners and Teachers Need Quiet Time

The past week was filled to the brim with events, so many events that time for quiet introspection and thought was greatly limited. Then yesterday due to unexpected circumstances I got a few hours of needed think time, and that made a big difference with regard to a number of issues that have been ruminating in my mind.

Educators and learners need think time--we need that kind of quiet, relaxed time to let the day's thoughts sift and sort in our minds. Without that time, we make mistakes, settle for less than what's possible, and get cranky too.

This is important as we consider systems and schedules. Where do we fit in that quiet time at home or at school for educators and learners to simply think, wonder, be curious, and create? How do we make time for this in our own schedules as educators? This is one more integral part of the teaching/learning puzzle. Onward.