Thursday, August 31, 2017

A Heart Healthy Classroom

At a recent doctor's appointment, I was reminded of what it takes to be healthy. It's easy to lose sight of that with a busy school schedule, so how can you set the stage for a healthy year?

While we have water available in the staff room, time to walk down to the staff room is not always available. So it's good to have water available in the classroom with a water bottle of some sort.

Healthy Snacks
It's good to have healthy snacks on hand as teaching does increase your appetite.

Avoid the Staff Room Goodies
For the most part, it's great to avoid the staff room goodies which often include people's left over party sweets and treats. The year I made a commitment to this, I was much healthier.

Move on the Playground
You're able to watch the students while walking or playing with them.

Plenty of Rest
Again, easier to say, then do, but sleep is critical to teaching well.

Daily Movement
Many teachers make this a regular part of their routine, and it shows with their increased health, fitness, and energy.

Positive Routine
A good routine makes a big difference when it comes to teaching well and feeling good. This routine will look different for every family, and needs to be revisited at least each school year, and sometimes many times over the year to make sure that you have the time you need.

I write this to remind myself as well as others as the only person who truly looks after your health is you, and it's good to start these healthy routines at the start of the year.  Onward.