Both goals are somewhat limitless, but I believe that I achieved those goals in collaboration with my colleagues. So as I collected the evidence to prove that achievement, I thought about what goals I'd forward for next year. Of course, the goals, in part, will depend on systemwide vision--a vision I typically learn about in September, but as I think about my own work and expectations, I suspect next year's goals will be similar to the following:
Student Learning Goal
To increase successful math differentiation by including one floor-to-ceiling Boaler-like exploration into six math units during the year. I believe that achieving this goal will bolster engagement, a love of math, empowerment, growth mindset, team, and learning.
Professional Learning Goal
To study, design, implement, and assess floor-to-ceiling math explorations beginning with Boaler's YouCubed site and the Standards of Mathematical Practice.
Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment
To further develop student showcase portfolio efforts by incorporating more regular and meaningful student reflection, goal setting, and action plan (learning path) efforts. To restructure student-teacher-parent conferences so that students present their work and goals at both the fall and winter conference.
To build on this year's work with the math scope and sequence/expectations, RTI, and math tech including the professional learning/student learning goals of studying and including more floor-to-ceiling explorations.
Teaching All Students
To assess our cultural proficiency efforts this year and build on those for next year by incorporating the following events:
- Writing a cultural proficiency/growth mindset/SEL signage grant to a local organization
- Including one or more field studies that boost our program's cultural proficiency
- Developing greater cultural awareness and related materials, experiences into all learning experiences
- Surveying our students and families with regard to culture and making sure that we include their cultural backgrounds in the curriculum regularly.
Family/Community Engagement
Continued efforts to develop newsletters, website, parent conferences, and response efforts. Continued outreach and intersection with the community via our field studies and other learning events. Continuing to advocate for combining our STEAM study with real-world community events, needs, and places.
Professional Culture
Continued share of professional learning opportunities and teaching/learning outreach and information. Continued contribution as local union secretary and board member of state and union agencies. Continued collaboration with grade level team to teach a dynamic fifth grade program. Response to building level/system opportunities and requests for support.