This is a consideration in everyone's life and a consideration that will change depending on life's events.
As I think on this today, I'm struck by the following events and efforts.
Politics, Policies, and Laws
President Trump has everyone talking politics. He's certainly got me thinking about political activism as I don't agree with much of what he has done so far so I'm learning to speak up, research, and learn more about our local and national politics and policies. Hence, I'll follow the Moore plan and be more active.
Local Action
When I called Senator Markey's office, I asked the polite and interested associate what she thought I should do. She recommended acting locally to make effective change. I heard a similar message last year when I attended the Massachusetts' Teachers Union's Next Generation Leadership weekend program. Local action for me will mean the following:
- Good service to the school system where I teach with regard to my daily efforts and participation in committees and special efforts.
- Good service as part of the MTA, a union I belong to and value.
- Daily reading about local events and greater involvement in local politics. I've yet to do this, but will begin an effort in this regard in coming weeks.
Live Simply, Give More with Regard to Time and Other Supports
I want to live with less and be able to give more. This will take some concerted effort and will increase as my children's needs become less. I still have another four years of college payments to think about, but once I'm past that, I should be able to do a bit more in this regard.
Be Informed
Education is power--the more we know about the truth and what's right and good, the better we can contribute and serve. A regular diet of reading good books, attending lectures, and awareness of current events, news, and articles will serve this purpose well.
Health and Happiness
This is the fuel that energizes all of the activities above.
What does "doing your part" mean to you? How do you contribute at home and beyond? Does this matter and if so, why? I'm thinking.