Friday, December 02, 2016

A Busy Week

This has been a challenging week with regard to multiple meetings and tasks. 4/5 of the events are complete and most went very well. There's a couple more meetings tomorrow. Fortunately the students and classroom teaching has been the highlight--the children are eager and motivated to learn.

I continue to imagine changes that would make schools more dynamic, responsive, and engaging for all. So much potential exists in this regard.

As I move forward, I want to steer clear of the people, initiatives, and efforts that are demeaning, challenging, and frustrating. I have to trust my instincts in this regard, and just wave the white flag of surrender when these events cross my path. I don't have time for lengthy, ineffective, and misdirected efforts. I want to spend my time doing what I know to be good work with colleagues to empower, engage, and educate students well.
