Friday, July 08, 2016

Working in Solidarity for Peaceful, Positive Change is a Courageous Act

As I watch the news from Dallas, I ache. Peaceful protestors courageously marching to bring attention to senseless killings and injustice uprooted by individuals who seek to be heard through acts of violence.

To buy and use guns is a cowardly way to make change. It is much more courageous, strong, and challenging to work with others in peace to bring change.

How can we create a more peaceful society?

What works to better lives?

From my vantage point, there is much I can do.

First, in schools, I can continue to work with others to make every school a safe, productive, inclusive, and caring environment where every child has the opportunity to learn and develop with strength and confidence.

Next, with language, I can continue to support and promote those who work in peaceful solidarity for positive change and loving communities.

Further, as an educator, I can work to give students the skills, concept, and knowledge they need to help them become peaceful, positive, and proactive analysts, problem solvers, and citizens. I wonder if every school in the country seeks to teach children about our country's diversity, history, and government in ways that matter beginning at an early age. Good knowledge and education is one powerful step towards ending prejudice and violence.

In all of our lives, there is opportunity to support peaceful work, attitude, and efforts big and small. How will you act? What will you do that makes a difference?

Note: We should also heed the words of the Dalai Lama: