Tuesday, May 03, 2016


I read the MA DESE's newsletter and I found this new information about accountability to be thought provoking:

"Accountability and Assistance System Feedback Opportunity:

The new federal education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), will require Massachusetts to modify its school and district accountability and assistance system for 2017-18 and beyond. As a result, ESE has the opportunity to reconsider the principles of our current system, the data used to measure school and district progress, and the types of supports and assistance available.

The Department has launched an online statewide feedback form through which we aim to gather feedback from a broad range of stakeholders. The form includes a series of questions about various considerations for accountability and assistance systems and provides the opportunity for open-ended comments on a number of questions. The feedback form also includes a place to attach a letter or other written feedback instead of or in addition to completing the form. The Department welcomes all feedback and encourages district leaders to distribute the link widely so that as many community members and educators as possible participate. The form will remain open through June 17, 2016.

For more information about the form or to submit comments to ESE directly, please email esea@doe.mass.edu."

I will take a look at the survey and questions.

I am thinking about this on my own and with others.

I'm wondering how this news affects our evaluations this year, and our effort timelines and professional learning for next year.

I continue to be a fan of good data collection, analysis, and use. I like to assess the work I do and make good change and growth each year. I really like when that conversation occurs with a group of trusted colleagues as we develop and grow programs.

I recognize, however, that sometimes when systems of analysis, reflection, and review are separated from the teachers' voice, they can be used in ways that don't elicit good growth and development.

I'm thinking more about this issue.

What do you think?