"This week went fast," I exclaimed to the students, "Do you agree." Most agreed that it was a fast and good week of learning.
I continue to adore this shared teaching model as it really gives me a chance to teach deep, and as a result, students are enjoying the lessons and learning experiences much more. In fact at the very end of the day, the teaching assistant joked, "Giggling is not allowed." as one young boy delighted in creating a SCRATCH, Jr. animation.
One good week leads to another, and here's what's on the agenda for the week ahead.
During math class we'll continue our focus on problem solving as we prep for the problem solving section of the systemwide standardized test. Then we'll head back into our study with fractions by looking closely starting with an analysis of the Google table fraction bars students made prior to the February vacation.
We'll also return to our character study projects and poster work. I want to teach students the elements of a good poster before they begin work on that effort.
I want to shore up our math tech list since we'll be spending Tuesday's RTI day on completing the systemwide tests and catching up on math tech expectations and efforts.
The only special event scheduled for next week is our celebration of the Lunar Year which was postponed due to a snow day a few weeks back. It should be a week where we make many gains in the curriculum.
Seems like next week will be a good week to continue to catch up on a lot of planning and paperwork as well. Moving forward.