Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Classroom: At Day's End

Through a thicket of upside down chairs
Stacked on rectangular desk tops
I see the shades pulled down in varying degrees
On the tall soldier-like windows
That peer out to the gray, tree-lined playground.

Behind me on the other side of the wall
Children's playful voices echo
From the after school program.
It's peaceful now.

The crowded, friendly, colorful room
Is dark.
The children have left for the day,
And I wonder about tomorrow.

They'll come full of energy.
Ready to talk to one another.
Some will say hello
And see if I smile and welcome them back
For another day of learning.

Together we'll problem solve
And share a story.
I'll watch them play
And connect our day to the
Big ideas and events in life.

We'll sing too
As we mostly do
Led by math raps and songs
Usually during transitions.

School has found a high spot these days.
A joyful place.
The changes have been good.
The people invested, supportive.
So much like what I have always wished for
That learning could be.